Navarco is an independent marine and ship engineering consultancy headquartered in Rijeka, Croatia.
Navarco embodies over fifty years of experience in the shipbuilding industry. As a result, today the Company offers a successful blend of highly-experienced senior naval architects and draughtsmen, supported by state-of- the-art software. This combination has made Navarco an outstanding industry leader and crucial point of reference for ship owners, shipyards and other ship design companies.
We have an international approach to business and we believe in long-term business relationships with our customers. Our corporate culture is based on work ethic, tradition, expertise, innovation, reliability and customer service. We offer our remarkable experience and expertise worldwide, thereby representing a solid and reliable partner in the global shipbuilding industry. Our team is comprised of highly educated multilingual professionals who understand different business cultures.
Over the last decades, the marine engineering landscape has witnessed many changes in this increasingly interconnected world. In this dynamic context, Navarco is definitely the right answer for increasing global demands and new business opportunities.
NAVARCO d.o.o. - Ship design and engineering services - Dragutina Tadijanovića 5 - 51000 Rijeka , Croatia
Phone: (+385) 51 550505 - Email: info at